Hello again! I know it has been a very long time posting, but I just have not been into it lately. I went on my trip to California and I had a great time with Kristen and Tim. I hope I can go visit again. Maybe next time it will be in Texas who knows.
Brandon started back to school this week. He really hasn't said too much about it, just that it is boring. Maybe next week will be different. On the 2nd day he even came home with homework. We will see how well he likes 3rd grade.
Andrew will be starting pre-school in a couple of weeks. I am not sure how that will go. I have to say I am a bit nervous about that. I hope he adjusts quickly. We are always talking about the Potter's House so he will stay excited about it. He seems to be, but I am afraid when it comes time to leave him there it will be a different story. Who knows he may surprise me.
Until next time.........