We joined the local Y in our area in February this year. I finally decided to start working out. I made an appointment with a trainer to get set up on the machines. I had my appointment on Wednesday. It went well, I guess. It seems like I may have troubles finding the time to work out I was hoping that I could go and put the boys in the child watch while I work out. We tried that the night of my appointment Brandon of course did well. Andrew and Zack on the other hand did not. I don't know how long they were in there but one of the workers came out looking for us. She said once Andrew stopped crying Zachary started. We will see how it goes with them. I hope that we can work around Brad's work and sleep schedule so I can get my work outs in, but with him sleeping until 4-5 pm that makes it very hard. I don't know what will happen when school starts and I start baby-sitting on top of that. We will see. I will just have to try to stay focused on it.
I also signed Zachary and Andrew up for swim lessons. I signed them up for the morning classes in hope that the others will stay in the child watch. One has class on Monday and the other on Wednesday. After the other night it doesn't look good. The classes are for 30 minutes so hopefully we can get them in before they come and hunt us down. We will see. I may have to find a someone they know to keep them. We will see on Monday.